Chamber Connections

Kickstart your Chamber Membership!

Become a part of our Chamber Connections group!

What is Chamber Connections (formerly Networking)?

It’s a chance for Chamber Members to gather and get to know one another with the goal of helping grow business in our community.

It’s all about growing your circle of influence. You’ll learn about other businesses while educating members on YOUR business for purpose of marketing and promotion.

Want to grow you client base? Chamber Connections helps get it done.

Why should YOU join us

  • Meet new business people and potential clients.
  • Build on existing relationships.
  • Educate us on YOUR business so we tell your story when people call the Chamber office looking for services.

The Greater East Aurora Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber Connections meets at 8 a.m. on the Second & Fourth Wednesday of each month at  The Iron Kettle Landmark Restaurant, 1009 Olean Road in East Aurora.

There is no cost to attend, however coffee, tea, and breakfast will be available for an additional fee.

We do appreciate RSVPs so we know how many people will be attending.

Not a Chamber member but want to check out our groups and see what the buzz is about?

No problem. Simple register as if you were a member, but let us know that you’re a guest (there is a section on the form to indicate).

We do ask that you consider membership in the Chamber once you’ve attended two networking meetings.

These groups are NOT industry-exclusive. Any Chamber member or guest from any industry may attend.

To register, please click the button below.

If you have any questions, please call the Chamber at (716) 652-8444 or email

We can’t wait to meet you!!